Sunday, December 27, 2009

Guidance Out of The Gray Areas

NO MORE GRAY AREAS. Don’t worry too much about the idiom, haste is waste; for most people should worry more about wasting the TIME it takes deliberating than wasting resources. Either find out what you want to be and pursue it with passion, ambition and motivation or DO WHAT YOU ALREADY ARE AND ARE FAMILIAR WITH. For example, If you have a degree in management and have experience in sales and leading others then do that to the very best of your ability, even if it’s not your true passion and you don’t really have or know what your passion is or will be. No more of this GRAY area of waiting around to see if something magical happens to guide your next move toward a career path.

There is an overwhelming sense of detrimental indecisiveness with people today, particularly the twenty-something year olds. How many people do you know straight out of high school decided to take a few years off to find out what they want to do and ten years later are still trying to find out what that is? It’s a sad moment in ones life when they wait and wait for this blinding realization with what to do with their lives never manifests and one day they wake up and realize that while waiting for this celestial guidance of the gods, that a huge chunk of their professional careers has passed them by because they’ve been stuck in a dead-end job.

I can understand not hastily endeavoring into a career path for the sake of expedience, for that would truly be a waste of resources and time. However, it may be a good idea to give yourself a timeline that if you haven’t truly found your calling or passion than do SOMETHING. If you haven’t found your niche by 25 for example then pursue what interests you at that time. And do it with all your energy. There’s no point in working a low-end job with little responsibility and less pay because of you’re apprehensiveness with taking the challenge of school . Chances are you’ll have a much better gage of your strengths and weaknesses by throwing yourself into the fire so-to-speak and accomplishing something. Some people’s confidence with learning new things tends to diminish with age.

Im not saying to jump into something right away without taking time to think of what you want to do, but you should approach the years of hiatus with extreme caution and awareness and not let the time away become what defines your life. It’s better to endeavor in something than to endeavor in nothing in the anticipation of the career gods slapping you in the face with instructions on what to do with your life.