Monday, July 27, 2009

Writing my first novel

Well, this is my first blog....ever. Please excuse the grammaticle errors. I usually just type and then go back and edit.

I'm debating on writing a novel. Well, I actually just started it. Its about my life. Im only 26 and have realized that the most interesting things that occurred in my life are x-rated. Im about 21 pages into and I realized that I might not want anyone else to read it. Its just kind of embarrassing I guess. A quick synopsis would articulate its contents to be filled with women, drugs, , injury, more failure, family, love, existential experiences and failures exceeding successes. I suppose its kind of a downer. I never realized how crazy things have been for me. I guess hind-sight is 20/20 and it takes a reflection period to really grasp the reality of some things.

This is my first blog.